1. Each new grave must not be less than 7ft in depth and no coffin lid must reach within less than 4ft of the ordinary surface of the ground.

2. Notice must be given to the Caretaker twenty-four hours before interment, who will issue an order for burial on payment of the proper fees.

3. All designs for headstones, surrounds etc. with any inscriptions or devices, must be submitted to the Rector for approval. In the newly developed section of the cemetery, the erection of surrounds is permitted in the first row only.

4. Artificial flowers are allowed to be placed on any graves.Natural Flowers especially are in danger of being destroyed by deer. Christmas trees are not allowed.

5. In the erection of headstones, railings etc., all rubbish must be removed by the owner of the grave plot and any injury done to walks etc. must be repaired at his/her expense.

6. The Parish accepts no responsibility for having flowers etc. kept in order on graves but reserves the right to attend as judged necessary to graves that are in an unkempt state.

Further information, including details of fees are being updated at this present time.